Tuesday 28th March - 2 Timothy 4

Today’s chapter is 2 Timothy 4

Tom writes:

Jesus is the judge. I don’t think about him that way very often, but Paul did. It defined so much about how he lived. These are possibly the last words Paul ever wrote and they reverberate and hum with the judgement of Jesus. Jesus will judge the living and the dead.  Every effort will be rewarded.  All those long slogs in prayer, all those preparations for house groups, all those difficult conversations with friends.  All those will be celebrated by The Judge.  All that work of the evangelist, all that preaching the word to the people we meet, all that discharging of the duties given to us by Jesus - He will reward them all. I feel such gratitude that every small effort will be remembered. It makes me want to weep with relief that nothing has been in vain. Because right now not all my labours bear much fruit. Some turn from the faith, some do not long for His appearing, some oppose the message of the gospel, some choose to love this world. And Jesus sees them all too. I don’t get pleasure from this but I know they also will be repaid for what they have done. Jesus will judge them and he will give them their dues. The truth of Jesus as judge is like a two faced coin which shimmers on one side and is a bit scary on the other.

But the coin is our currency and it does way more than pay the rent. If we learn how to use it, it enriches us in every way. As we think and live in the wake of such huge things we know that the Lord stands at our side.  He strengthens us in our weakness and he rescues us from every evil attack. When we think upon such things it causes us to entrust ourselves to Him - not to focus too much on our own actions, but on his action. When we think about such things it gives us grit and grace to fight the good fight of the faith. And so, we would do well - like Paul - to keep the coin of Jesus’ judgement in the pocket of our hearts. Not to hit people with it but to grip it when we feel discouraged. To rub it when we are slighted and feel tempted to give up. May the Lord - the Judge - be with your Spirit right now, and may his Grace and goodness keep redefining your life.

Question for reflection

Jesus has seen and will reward you for even the tiniest effort you have made for him. What encouragement can you take from that?

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