Monday 27th March - 2 Timothy 3

Today’s chapter is 2 Timothy 3

Tom writes:

The closing verses in this chapter are the rhythmic bassline that most evangelical Sunday Schools lay their treble over. All kinds of papier mache projects and puppet pronouncements repeat the proposition that the bible is God-breathed and give us all we need for life. If you think about it, that is quite a claim. And yet, my experience has been that this book meets that claim, and more. It’s a breath of God to me. Sometimes it’s a breath that smells of last night’s kebab and I struggle to take it in, but most of the time it is a breath of exhilarating freedom and resonance with my yearnings. The bible shows us how to meet with God in the midst of sexual ecstasy or the darkest disappointment. It tells us how to plan well and talk well and love well. The bible equips us how to bring transformation to others and how to see transformation come to ourselves. This book of God really does equip us for all of life.

But there is something I had not picked up on before about this phrase. Something which the context of the chapter adds; this bassline is struck in a context of hostility.  We live in a world in conflict.  Dark powers cause Men and women to decry us, to deceive us and to persecute us. Satan’s hordes cause many to crash rudderless into their conceits. Not only does the bible equip us for life - it equips us for battle. All who follow our Lord will get drawn into the cosmic conflict between Jesus and the power of this Dark Age. But we need not fear. The bible shows us how to thrive in this place. Our fortress is strong, our stance is firm.  If we continue in the scriptures then not only do we remain protected from attack but we advance.  We press deeper into righteousness, we are thoroughly equipped, we even become like God. These are beautiful words.  Like the greatest penknife in the pocket of a jungle guide the Word has a map, it has tools to defend and instructions on what to forage. It helps us know what to build and when to rest. It is the very provision of God not just for us to build a camp for us to survive but how to accrue an abundance to feed others we draw in.  It enables us to furnish them with the skills and tools they need to join the cause and to draw yet others in as well.  The scriptures are an incredible provision to us.  They are God’s provision to you for you to do life really well. You do a wise thing if you read the scriptures every day.

Question for reflection

What is the bible equipping you to do really well?

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