Croydon Vineyard is an evangelical Christian church trying to play its part in seeing Croydon Come to Life. We are a registered charity, are part of the Evangelical Alliance, Croydon Churches Together and are affiliated to Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland.

We were planted in 2013 when a small group of friends were sent to Croydon by South-West London Vineyard. This initial team, including Phil and Caroline Greaves and Tom and Lesley Thompson, spent the first few weeks eating bacon butties in Tom and Lesley's kitchen, dreaming dreams and asking Jesus to do something wonderful. Eight venues later Croydon Vineyard has grown into a large, bustling church of several hundred with thriving kids and youth work, deep engagement in the City and a growing number of community leaders.

Croydon Vineyard is regarded as one of the most diverse churches in Vineyard Churches and has a passion to see many tribes and tongues fusing their culture into awe-filled, intimate worship of Jesus.



we want to be an Antioch style church from the book of Acts where:

  • the hand of the Lord is visibly upon us

  • many diverse people are united in worship of Jesus

  • the gospel of the Kingdom is powerfully preached

  • many people are coming to faith

  • dramatic transformation of lives is taking place

  • people are receiving prophetic words which show them the purpose & mission of their lives

  • the poor among us are valued, cared for and empowered for a better future

  • we raise up and send out leaders who grow the global Vineyard Movement and contribute to a lasting resurgence in the UK Church



The word of God

We preach and trust the scriptures as God’s brilliant revelation about how to live a good and rich life.

The mission of the Kingdom

We commit to our glorious and difficult purpose of worshipping God, proclaiming and demonstrating His good rule to every corner of creation.

The mercy of God

We wrap everything we do in God’s staggering compassion for every single individual as displayed through the cross.

The presence of God

We actively seek - and expect to experience as a daily reality - the guiding, transforming power of the Spirit.

Equipping and encouraging

We love the local church and seek to nurture and mobilise every member to play their part in the purpose of God.