Wednesday 29th March - Titus 1

Today’s chapter is Titus 1

Tom writes:

The purpose of this epistle could be summed up with the old Vineyard phrase “people do people stuff”. Although Paul’s summary of the Cretans is so harsh it makes you weep with joy that he never wrote your school report, he is just stating the bible’s opinion on people; their minds and consciences are corrupted. People are mere talkers and deceivers. People ruin whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach. People claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. But - and this bit is crucial - God loves them and wants to see them saved and changed. So people need pastoring. People need leading to help them stop doing “people stuff” and start doing the “good stuff” of the Kingdom. This is where teaching comes in. A lot of pastoring is about good listening. Even Paul quoting a Cretan poet shows his relentless desire to hear and understand those around him. Become a great listener. But good pastoring must go a lot further than just listening. Too often I come across Small Group leaders who hear people say stupid things and then just smile and bite their tongue. Too often I’ve done that.

Being self-controlled and hospitable are invaluable things but biting tongues does not stop people doing “people stuff”. The inconvenient truth is people need rebukes. The corruption in our minds - the deceptiveness of sin - is so strong that sharp rebukes are often needed. These aren’t too much fun. But not to use them is like a gardener looking at some brambles and hoping they will just go away. And so, at times, we must rebuke people in a way that they know they are being rebuked. A good rebuke is very clear and focused on a belief or behaviour that is manifestly wrong. A good rebuke lays a very clear path towards purity. And a good rebuke is done in a context of grace and peace. In your life you will have seen hundreds of people do stuff that is not good. If we are called by God to lead, we must be ready to speak up to steer people towards the things that are good.

Question for reflection

Jesus spent a lot of time rebuking people. When the time comes to rebuke someone, how could you ensure you do it like Jesus did?

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