Wednesday 22nd March - 1 Timothy 6

Today’s chapter is 1 Timothy 6

Tom writes:

This letter has been waist high in the river of life, cleaning laundry and washing our sweaty skin. It has focused on the normal stuff of working out salvation as a community in broken creation. We’ve dealt with stomach bugs and how to appoint leaders, on deep care for one another, and avoiding vain disputes. This practical advice on life is important to our God. But then we come across verses 6:15-16 and feel like an accidental panhandler finding a nugget of gold. We were in the river to scrub gussets and this treasure showed up. So don’t miss it. Don’t miss the luscious delights of what this says about our God. Oh the greatness of God. How could he live in a light that is so bright you can’t even approach it... and still live in us?  How can he have ‘might’ that goes on forever... and yet listen to our prayers?  How on earth can he be immortal and yet invite us to become like him? I shudder at some of these syllables. The mystery and expansiveness of our Saviour sucks air out of me, and then resuscitates me again. Oh the greatness of God… and he cares about me! And that’s the thing. In order to live the life that is real life we need to know the context of creation; it belongs to the King who is beyond us and yet is saving us. Don’t lose that delight.

Being like God and being content is the greatest of all gains. Do you know that? Have you reminded yourself of that? Everything else is naff by comparison. All the jiggery pokery of life is just an assortment of trinkets when divorced from the presence of God. But if we have him, we have the true riches of all creation. Why would we jeopardise that by trying to run after money? Compared to him it is no better than dust. So please don’t miss the context of your life. Amongst the clothes washing and the relationship building and the money earning and food eating, keep your eyes on Him, the blessed and only Ruler of this earth. A hulking great vision of God is what brings life and real joy in this world, especially when that unapproachable God reaches out, takes you by the hand and gives you abundant things to enjoy.

Question for reflection

How might God want to expand your vision of his greatness and his generosity?

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