Tuesday 21st March - 1 Timothy 5

Today’s chapter is 1 Timothy 5

Tom writes:

The surprisingly harsh words reserved for those who don’t care for their family (5:8) and the surprisingly mundane solution for Timothy’s stomach complaints (5:23) remind us that mature Christian living is not just about a “spiritual” arena of life. God is concerned about hunger and diarrhoea as much as holiness and devotions. He is the God of all creation and we can embrace all his creative goodness, even when a slowly strummed guitar can’t be heard playing a worship track. In my life I’ve found it a constant challenge to draw my faith right into the centre of my life and my life right into the centre of my faith. Something in me constantly wants to separate the two. But Paul does not - and that is very liberating. When you are sick, take a paracetamol and offer up a prayer. God provided both and will be delighted to use either. When you miss a quiet time because your kids needed attention then celebrate the worship you have performed by caring for your family. Faith and life can intermingle in surprisingly “unspiritual” ways. So don’t start thinking every single thing that sounds “spiritual” is definitely pleasing to God. The epitome of this kind of thinking is in the “random act of kindness” movement which encourages us to scatter stuff on anyone, anywhere with a slightest hint of need.

Paul spends much of this chapter speaking against such an idea. Random acts of kindness are better than showing no care at all… but not much better. Instead Paul advises thought and consideration to be used when handing out your care. Some who say they need support are best advised to go get a job, or go live with their relatives, or to stop frittering away cash. Others - and they are obvious when you take the time to look - should be supported long term, not just with a one-off random act but with sustained provision. All of this just seems like common sense, doesn’t it? And that is the point of the chapter - don’t divorce your mind and your mission, your worship and your wisdom. Our God made all things and so we need to expand our understanding of what is “spiritual”. Real faith should filter a sound mind into every fibre of normal life.

Question for reflection

Is there someone around you who you could provide sustained care and support to in the name of Jesus?

More resources are for you at www.anewtestamentjourney.net

Paperback and eBook versions of the devotional available at https://amzn.eu/d/0tDbKny

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