Tuesday 28th February - Acts 18

Today’s chapter is Acts 18

Tom writes:

When I read about Priscilla and Aquila I cry. I’m a long way from being like Paul but I have worked in churches for many years now and I’ve experienced the sweet support of many magnificent couples like them. I can’t put into words how grateful I am to such generous giants in the faith. These people are the heroes of the Kingdom. Churches - like the one in Corinth and Ephesus and Rome - are built not so much by the headline preacher but by the hospitality and gentle counsel of faithful, cheerful followers. We don’t hear of a “moment of call” for Priscilla and Aquila. They don’t get given any title. They just seem to have chosen to excel in love for Jesus’ bride. And - as Paul says in Romans 16:3 - this led them to risk their lives to support Paul. We don’t know the details of what those risks were but it is just a hint of what it cost Priscilla and Aquila to sustain their support season after season. They chose to love and it cost them dear. That is why I cry - I know how many times couples like these sit around dinner tables in quiet discussions to help explain things more adequately. I know how many times they choose to give a bit more, how many times they labour hard in prayer for wisdom for the church, how many small choices they make to swallow their pride and remain loyal to their leader.

They are the pillars of the temple of God. Priscilla is highlighted as a clear example of a female teacher and church leader in the book of Acts. Rightly so. What a debt we owe to this remarkable pioneering woman. But let’s make her agenda, rather than her gender, the focus here. She chose to cheerfully serve and serve and serve. It’s no wonder Paul took them with him to Ephesus. It’s no wonder Paul referenced them first in his letter to the Romans. These guys were utter legends. They were walking manifestations of the grace and truth of Jesus. And you - dear reader - might be like them. You - dear reader - could be like them. You may not make the headlines or receive much praise from people but the Father sees you and he will build his church around you and he will pour his praise upon you for all eternity if you simply choose to sacrificially love his church. 

Question for reflection

In what ways are you sowing cheerful hospitality and careful counsel into the church of Jesus?

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