Monday 27th February - Acts 17

Today’s chapter is Acts 17

Tom writes:

This was the throbbing heart of Paul’s appeal to the world; “There is another King, one called Jesus”. Move over Caesar (or any other human ruler) - the God who came in Jesus Christ wants to be King. This sounded strange to people, some sneered, some searched it up, some rioted against it, but, for a growing number under Roman rule, it was a glorious invasion. The news that the good and kind Creator had come as Jesus and wanted to sit as the sustaining centre of their lives was lusciously liberating. Caesar was not a great centre of anyone’s life. Caesar’s modus operandi pushed people into a way of being that was inhibited and dehumanising. In Athens they knew this but they only medicated their madness through sacrifices to idols. They knew there must be “an unknown God” out there somewhere but they simply lit a few candles and carried on as they were. Paul is greatly distressed by this. It must have been like a great chef seeing people grow sick of fast food, but only swapping their brand of ketchup.

Paul had tasted the bounty of having Jesus as the nourishing centre of his life and he so desperately wanted all people to come and join his party. This man’s mission around the Mediterranean was not just to see many “become Christians” but to change their king. Paul wanted people to move their meal - where they got nourishment, where they looked to for hope for the future and guidance for the present - from the modus operandi of men to the Messiah of God. Which lands it on us; would Paul be distressed if he took a tour around our hearts? Would he see that the prince of Peace is our portion, that Jesus sustains and directs and reigns in the darkest caverns of our soul? Are we feeding on the hopes and truths of Jesus Christ… or are we living life much like everyone else, while lighting a candle to the Christian God? The good and kind Creator wants to be the sole centre of your life. Saying “yes” to that desire is what it really means to believe.

Question for reflection

From where do you get your nourishment? Your inspiration? Your guidance about how to do various things in life? Who is your “king”?

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