Raising Up Deputies

Appointing a Deputy

What is a deputy?

 A leader in training.

  • This is a training / assistant role within small groups. Every healthy small group will have at least one deputy

  • Deputies should be actively feeling a call to leadership

  • Small group leaders are actively training the deputy in leading. Doing this through on-the-job learning. 

  • We would expect people to be a deputy for 6 months-2 years before taking on leadership of a new group. 

How can I identify a potential deputy?

  • Faithful - CV leadership criteria based on 1 Timothy 3 and Titus.

  • Available - are they willing to give their time to serve others cheerfully, are they actually attending small group?  If you identify someone who has leadership potential but is not attending regularly: call this out of them with a loving challenge e.g. I see real potential in you but you are not attending regularly enough for me to be able to do anything with this.  If they are right for being a deputy they will rise to this challenge.

  • Teachable - do they respond well to feedback and challenge.  Quick to repent and eager to learn not presenting a "strong man" approach to leadership where they know and do it all without the need to express weakness or receive support.

How do I start this?

  • Hear stories from other deputies/small group leaders about how they were invited/invited their deputies into leadership.

  • Feedback loops - debrief after the group has left; or use WhatsApp chat.  What was positive about that session?  What could we improve?  Explain why you did what you did in the session e.g. how you intentionally kept the discussion focused on the bible passage or if you deliberately put the "difficult" person in a huddle group with you.

  • Ask the deputy often: what are you seeing in this person or that person? Who is the Lord highlighting to you etc...

  • Get them to lead sessions/studies/welcome at the door/serve the refreshments/call people in the week who need pastoral care.  Once they have done some of these things, get them to organise other members of the group to do them.

  • Get them praying regularly for the group.

Croydon Vineyard