Wednesday 9th August - Matthew 3

Today’s chapter is Matthew 3

Tom writes:

You can just imagine Jesus coming out of the Jordan river, hair dripping wet, white robe clinging to his buttocks, maybe there was even some algae hanging off his right ear.  This was the One who was showing everyone what God had called his people to be.  This was the one who had come to fulfil all the promises of the prophets. Many in Israel had turned the ‘call of God’ into a status symbol.  They had become like celebrities flaunting their credentials around.  They would never have been seen dead with wet clothes clinging to their buttocks.  So, many in Israel thought living for God meant impressing others; putting on good show after good show... but never bothering to sort out their hearts.  John the Baptiser had slated them for it and, by his baptism at John’s hands, Jesus throws all his weight behind John’s judgement.  As Jesus comes up out of the water he shows that God’s real people, God’s real hope is not about trying to look good but about raw, honest humanity humbling themselves in a flood of repentance. At the root of real faith is the acknowledgement that no matter how hard you try, no matter how learned you become, no matter how sincere your intentions - you Have Not Got What It Takes to live in covenant with Creator God. The doorway into the Kingdom is death to your striving; it is casting yourself only upon the mercy of God and begging him to give you “the Dove” - the Spirit from God - who will transform you from the inside out like a new creation emerging after Noah’s deluge.  This is the oxymoron of our faith. If you want to be God-like you need to accept the utterly un-godlike way you have lived. Our only hope is that the Dove will come from heaven and rest upon us; to forgive us, to transform us and empower us.. and the Dove only comes after a Flood. 

Question for reflection

Are you embracing “the flood”? Are you willing to humble yourself in repentance; admitting you Have Not Got What It Takes?

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