Wednesday 8th March - Acts 24

Today’s chapter is Acts 24

Tom writes:

The content of Paul’s discourse with Felix and Drusilla (v25) smashes through our stock description of the gospel. Paul’s chosen themes of righteousness, self-control and judgement do not sit easily inside the soft-pedalled gospel that serenades most Sunday services. All we want to say is God loves us so much. And that’s it. Paul’s discourse smashes that apart. Like a rhino. Paul clearly lived, embodied and preached the love of God. Paul clearly lived, embodied and preached salvation by grace. But Paul equally clearly lived, embodied and preached an awareness of coming judgement, of God requiring righteousness and of the urgent need for all people everywhere to show significant self-control. And this is important. These kinds of passages concern me so much because they feel more alien to our churches than the messages of the latest Netflix series. We have common ground with the Netflix messages about living our dreams, feeling fulfilled and loving our city. But we seem remarkably detached from discourses about the coming judgement and the essential need for self-control, not so that we can live better lives, but so that we have a better judgement day.

Even that last phrase might seem repulsive to some. I must admit I nearly choked as I wrote it. But that is because I grew up in the West. One of the richest lessons I’ve drawn from my growing number of international friends is how much they embody a healthy fear of God; how easily they can talk about the judgement of God as a motivation for good behaviour. They are more naturally with Paul on that one, and I am the outsider. I crave true Kingdom Culture. Not the syncretised blend of Jesus Kingdom and United Kingdom values that seems quite lovely to everyone - everyone except for Jesus. No, I want the real deal; the unvarnished stuff that Paul lived and died for. I know it ruffles more feathers and I know it leaves you open to rebuke - but it is real. It is authentic, it is empowered and it brings great glory to Jesus’ name.

Question for reflection

What is your emotional reaction to what Paul says about the coming judgement? How much do you think your own upbringing and culture have influenced those emotions?

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