Tuesday 5th December - Revelation 4

Today’s chapter is Revelation 4

Tom writes:

Two mountainous truths that are so monstrous and so overwhelming that they feel like Everest and K2 appearing before my eyes. Everest is the inherent holiness, power and eternity of God. Holiness as a term seems to have lost a lot of its punch these days. It conjures up feelings of a trip to the dentist or having your hair de-nitted with one of those special combs. But the holiness of God is far from that. It is a storm with thunder and it is jewels of matchless price. The holiness of God is beautiful, it is worthy of all respect and all the accolades you can muster. And it always will be. For God is eternal. The truth about God is that at the end of our day, his day hasn’t ended. In fact our whole concept of time itself - a concept that we are inherently incapable of seeing beyond - is just like a caterpillar crawling along the finger of God. He was. And He is. And He is to come. God’s holiness, power and eternal nature mean that he will always rule, he can never be dethroned. No principality, no person and no concept could even enter the courts of God without his permission. God is unrivalled. Remember that when the persecution hits. Lean back on that when your earthly securities are crumbling in your hands. God is like Everest.

But there’s another mountain. K2 is God’s ownership of the earth. The earth is God’s; he made it, he’s never given up on it and he will win it back. His eyes are always watching it like a creature who has eyes on every side. He is always visiting the earth, agile and mobile like a creature with six wings. And, as a symbol of the unbreakable connection between the Eternal One and his earth, there are 24 elders - 24 representatives of the earth - always before his throne. Think about this God. Cast your crowns before this God. He is the One who never forgets you. He is the one who will never overlook you. He is the one who will win us in the end. He is holy. He is powerful. He is eternal. He is our maker. He is our overseer and our helper. And, because of who he is, and who he will always be, there is not a shadow of a doubt that he will win the earth back in the end.

Question for reflection

“God will win his earth back in the end”. What does that truth stir in you?

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