Wednesday 26th April - Romans 1

Today’s chapter is Romans 1

Tom writes:

Paul is making a bid for all people - Greeks and non-Greeks, Jews and Gentiles - to admit their life has fallen short of the glory of God. They have been offered a chance at knowing God, at pursuing God, at honouring God and yet they have rejected that chance and pursued their own desires. They are at fault. Paul wants you to admit that about yourself. He doesn’t do this because he wants to insult you. He does it because it is true, and only in admitting this truth can redemption be found. So before we go anywhere else in the letter it is worth asking yourself; can you admit that you are not what you should have been? Can you admit that no matter how much others may have inhibited you or hurt you, no matter how much your circumstances might have contributed to your troubles - that you yourself are to blame for choices you have made that have dishonoured God. Can you confess your fallenness to God? If you can, then this letter really does bring good news to you. This letter will offer you the sweetest solution to the sorrow of your situation. I wonder if you will receive this good news?

Let’s admit again how hard it is to really admit our sinfulness to God. In our day so much is designed to deflect us away from admitting our guilt; so much entertainment to take our mind off it, so much supposed self-protection to jab away any accusation that we are at fault. We deflect Romans 1 out of habit, as our culture has taught us to… and we stand more anxious than ever, more stressed than ever, more fragile than ever. Here is good news. Jesus has done all that is needed to wash you in forgiveness, to renew you in goodness, to elevate you in gloriousness. Jesus can take who you are and make you a display-cabinet of the vast vistas of his victory. Jesus can comfort you and cajole you into collaborating with others in a compassion-filled community that overflows with real kindness into all of creation. If you will allow chapter 1 to really sink into you then, when this letter is done, you’ll be a glorious manifestation of the Spirit’s new humanity; you will be established in love, you’ll be a true child of God. Oh this letter. I love this letter. I’m so indebted to this letter. It has changed my life in countless ways already and I’ve barely even scratched its surface. Please choose to read this letter and let God transform everything you’ve ever known. 

Question for reflection

Is there anything you want to confess to God right now?

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