Wednesday 1st November - John 9

Today’s chapter is John 9

Tom writes:

It just seems so illogical. Why wouldn’t you want to go to Jesus to get life? Jesus has healed a man born blind. Eyes that were not properly formed in the womb have had their creation process completed by Him. Jesus has shown that he can mould, sustain and extend matter. Money can’t do that. Fame can’t do that. Even Keeping up with the Khardashians can’t do that. Any sane person who is looking for life would at the very least want to explore Jesus some more. If Jesus can tap the power behind creation then who knows what he can do for you. Maybe that six-pack is not out of reach after all. Maybe he could sort out that cellulite. Or maybe he could renovate your heart and ignite your soul and renew your mind and give you a peace and a joy and a taste of something that you never dreamed possible.

But some people bizarrely choose not to explore him. Some - like the man’s parents - are so strung up in the opinions of others that they deliberately shield themselves from Jesus’ life for fear of looking bad. How dumb is that? And then others, like the pharisees, are so intent on preserving their puny little lot that they deliberately obscure the truth about who Jesus is and cling to what they have. You couldn’t make it up! And then finally there are others who are just not using logic at all - they are so caught up in their prejudices and wrong-thinking that they just can’t even be bothered to think about what they are seeing. This is the clear message John is giving through this passage; don’t be swayed by the naysayers, don’t be upset by the opponents. Press on. Press on to gain life in Jesus. And encourage others to do the same. Encourage others to use their eyes and use their minds and explore this man; Jesus Christ. For, if you do, Jesus might not give you the body of an olympian (at least not yet… he will give you a glorious heavenly body on the day when he returns) but he will certainly begin to complete the creation process you, he will renovate you towards all you were born to be, and will fill you with an inexpressible joy - the joy of all of creation filled with his fullness - even while you live in the midst of this age.

Question for reflection

In what ways has Jesus renovated your soul?

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