Tuesday 4th April - Mark 1

Today’s chapter is Mark 1

Tom writes:

The short, sharp anecdotes create a relentless feel to Jesus’ ministry.  Jesus seems to be one of those reactive care-givers always rushing from one thing to the next, bringing compassion to all the needy people he can find. You know the type - often late but a great listener, often tired but always doing something for someone else. And yet Jesus is also shown to be utterly in charge of his own agenda, there is no doubt that he is the one calling the shots, the One with authority making bold declarations and leaving people staggered at what he does. You also know that type... And so we see Jesus embodying two extremes that the church has ever since struggled to hold together; extreme compassion and extreme authority. Oh that we could draw these divergent twins back to our table. This is how it happens; by living Kingdom come near (v15). When we live like the Kingdom has come near we know we carry authority and compassion that are not our own. Any authority we have is actually Jesus’ authority intended to show everyone that Jesus is reclaiming his earth. Any compassion we have is actually Jesus’ compassion, alerting us to the people Jesus wants to bring under his rule.

Showcasing Jesus’ authority and showcasing Jesus’ compassion; that is the kingdom way. We must pray hard into both. We must push hard into both. This is why healings and exorcisms need to be at the core of our gospel. These miracles are where authority and compassion come together and kiss. And that is why I pray for them every single time I can. They aren’t everything about the Kingdom - submission to Jesus is the Kingdom - repentance and obedience to Jesus is the Kingdom - but they are the signs of the Kingdom, they are the showcasing of the Kingdom. So, as we start this gospel can I encourage you to lean hard into who Jesus really was - to let these short, sharp anecdotes relentlessly refine your regard of your Redeemer? Let his extreme compassion beguile you. Let his extreme authority humble you. And then pray to become like him. Ask Jesus to help you embody more of his authority and more of his compassion. And, then take every chance you get to show Jesus’ authority-filled compassion for the sick, and Jesus’ compassion-filled authority over the demonic.

Question for reflection

Which surprises you more - Jesus’ extreme compassion or Jesus’ extreme authority?

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