Thursday 30th November - Revelation 1

Today’s chapter is Revelation 1

Tom writes:

Wow.  That is quite a start.  It’s like when you go bowling and your first throw is a strike.  You stare in slight disbelief, a little tweak of a smile in the corner of your mouth. You begin to hope that this will be your night.  So let us start by laying out just how awesome this book is.  And to do that I think we need to get one thing straight right at the start - Revelation is not really a book about the future.  Revelation is not really about the end of the world.  Sure it does contain a good chunk of stuff about what is coming but the main thrust of this book focuses on the certain victory of our God over all that is wrong. Revelation shows us God’s victory has always been certain, was confirmed in the cross and will be consummated with Jesus’ return. This book woos us with a delightfully soft pillow for our anxious necks; our God is in charge… and all we need to do is patiently endure. Just stand firm. God has got this.

Revelation gives us an eye on God and his counsel, right now, this very day, this very moment while you sit here reading.  Revelation lets us squint with hands over our eyes at the unapproachable light, at the one whose face is like the sun shining in all its brilliance. We see God is massive. God is sovereign. God is strong. And in doing so we realise how teeny weeny we are. And - even - how light and momentary our troubles are… even if they roar like a beast.  Revelation shows us that our perspective is too tiny, that our human-centred analysis has been grossly misplaced.  Revelation reminds us again that there is only one Almighty. I am not Him. And nor is Caesar. Revelation even scorns our human obsession with time; with what is happening in the future; at what we’re doing at 4.30pm.  It lifts our chin to the Alpha and Omega who was and is and is to come - the one who watches clocks spin round like they are fake dials on a toy.  He is no more dictated to by time than a builder is dictated to by his drill.  He is the one who loves us.  He is the one who has freed us.  He is the one who has made us his kingdom and priests to serve him forever.  Nothing can separate us from being swept into his glorious future… as long as we patiently endure. So let’s fix our eyes on Him now and worship him now and fall as if dead before him now.  He is the Living One.  He is the firstborn from the dead.  And he is the ruler of the kings of the earth who will bring us forever into his Kingdom that will never end.

Question for reflection

What does patient endurance look like for you in this time?

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