Thursday 14th September - Hebrews 1

Today’s chapter is Hebrews 1

Tom writes:

This is a complex book with intricate arguments. You may have noticed that it doesn’t address a particular church, nor is it signed by a particular author. But don’t let that fool you; this is not just a theoretical work. It might look a bit odd, and talk about some unusual things, but Hebrews is an invitation to soak in the herbal essence of consummated Judaism. Hebrews takes all the promises, all the longings, all the inclinations of the children of Abraham and pours out Jesus upon them. It goes crazy for Jesus. It celebrates the Old Testament revelation, it honours angels, it bows to the practices of the past. But it shows they were just shadows, or signposts, or carefully-cultivated cravings. It pours out Jesus as the longing and answer and glorious consummation of every one of them.  It shows that Jesus is and has always been and always will be the superior majestic glory in this universe. In the end, if we look at it rightly, everything wise and good and beautiful points to him. Jesus is the heir of all things - everything ultimately will sit in his house and he will do with them what he likes.  Jesus is the sustainer of all things. If you or I stopped working for a few weeks almost nothing would fall apart in the world. Sabbath confirms that to us. But if Jesus stopped working for a second, even for a nanosecond, everything would melt into chaotic emptiness.

Whether you acknowledge him or deny him, whether you worship him or reject him; if Jesus pulled back from your life even for a second you would disintegrate. He sustains all things. And Jesus was the source through whom all things were made. The fabric of life passed through him and was pieced together in him. He is vastly superior in the past, in the present and in the future.  And, to top it all, he is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being.  Jesus shows us God. Perfectly. All the time. So, here’s to Jesus.  Let’s raise a toast to him and not to anyone else. There are many wonderful things in our world. Technology and creativity, nature and personality. And we do right to give it some honour. But no-one else could be more worthy or more magnificent than Jesus. This book calls us to fix our eyes on Jesus, to approach Jesus, to stand close to Jesus, to soak ourselves in Jesus. If you say yes to this book’s marinating mandate, you will not merely have read something; you will have soaked up his sufficiency and been transformed into a true worshipper.

Question for reflection

When have you been most conscious of Jesus sustaining you?

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