Romans 8 - Friday 3rd May

Today’s chapter is Romans 8

Tom writes:

If I had a Desert Island Bible Passage, this chapter would be it. We won’t be condemned. Ever. We can’t be condemned. Oh the liberty of that thought. I want to hold it by the cheeks and give it a kiss on the lips. Any accusation I face I can shrug off as a lie from hell. My destiny is secure, my abundant inheritance guaranteed. But there’s more. We walk each day in Holy Spirit’s embrace. God himself breathes life into our bodies, he serenades us of our sonship, he lulls us to sleep in his love. Oh the beauty of that song. It isn’t just a soft thing. It isn’t just a star-crossed lover blind to who I really am. No. The Spirit lives in me. He knows me. He knows the misdeeds that my body kind of likes. And yet he sings to me anyway, he stands loyally by me anyway, helping me put to death the things that kill me, helping me become a better man. But there’s more. The Spirit makes me a conqueror. More than a conqueror. What the heck? The Spirit helps me set my life in the context of God’s redeeming work in history. When I hurt he shows me that the whole world hurts with me. When I cry he shows me that the trees are crying along as well, as all of us are groaning for Everything to Be Made New.

That solidarity with all substance makes my suffering seem less severe. Especially when I see that this experience is just fleeting; that endless, glorified epiphany and ecstasy are predestined and purchased by the Creator and his Christ. If I actually step back to see this story - and let it soak in - it really strengthens me in my soul. But there’s more. Even when that story fades from our view and the song of God seems silent and a sense of condemnation has somehow crept back in; even then nothing can separate us from God’s astonishing work on our behalf. Because then the Spirit earnestly intercedes for us and holds us fast in God’s plans. Nothing - not a single thing you could imagine - can threaten this incredible work of grace that God is pouring all over your life. And, finally, there’s more. Even if a plan of the enemy does make its mark on you. Even if some of the horrors of this age steal your strength or blight your body - even then this beautiful, faithful Saviour will not give up on you; he will work that bitter “loss” into another avenue for your good. This chapter is so amazing. Please get its truth into your life.

Question for reflection

Have you even scratched the surface of what the Spirit wants to do for you?

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