Romans 7 - Thursday 2nd May

Today’s chapter is Romans 7

Tom writes:

We’ve seen how atonement dealt with wrath. It ushered us under the shower of God’s bountiful blessing (ch 2-4). We’ve seen how rebirth into the Christian race set us free from slavery to sin. It placed delightful holiness within our grasp (ch 5-6). This chapter (7) looks at the same process using marriage imagery. Previously we were married to a noble and good husband called The Law. But The Law had a brother who came with the package. They call him Sin. He lived in our house and travelled everywhere we went. Sin secretly hated his brother and now hated us as well. Even though our husband warned us not to listen to his brother, the constant sarcasm, the bitter comments got into our heads and messed with our minds. We became so conflicted that we began to do what Sin was telling us even though we knew it was wrong. We fell under his spell and wretchedness reigned. But then - alleluia - our husband died (when Jesus fulfilled the Law). Quite quickly (some might say) we remarried; a noble and good husband brought us into his house. His name is Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit has no brother who carries evil intent, in fact all his family are generous and true. And so - Paul tells the Romans - while it is appropriate to feel sadness over the loss of our old husband, don’t go back to that house. And definitely don’t hook up with your ex brother-in-law who still has your number and messages you now and then. That would be hugely destructive for you and totally dishonouring to your wonderful new spouse. I know many believers have found comfort in verses 15-20, feeling affirmed by what they say about conflictedness. But we need to realise that they describe life under our old marriage, not new life in the Spirit. It is listening to Sin that sows conflictedness into our lives. Our answer to such feelings is not a mis-reading of Romans 7 but a deliberate shunning of the whispers of Sin. Block his calls and don’t invite him into your house. Instead choose delight. Choose a joy-filled life. Learn to enjoy the embrace of the new husband in your life; His name is Holy Spirit and he is right by your side.

Question for reflection

When Sin comes calling for you, what does he say? What different words does the Spirit speak to you?

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