Monday 6th November - John 12

Today’s chapter is John 12

Tom writes:

There are two statements in this chapter that rub against one another like tectonic plates under California. The friction between them sends shockwaves through my soul. Firstly the statement is God’s; “I have glorified my name and will glorify it again” (v28). The phrase is imbued with confidence and hope. It speaks of a hulking beast unthreatened by the future. It sounds like Tyson Fury at a pre-fight weigh-in he already knows he will win. And yet - a bit like Tyson Fury - the crowd who heard it went away baffled; they heard the talk of glory but they thought it was thunder. Get this; God will glorify himself in his own way and he will be remarkably unphased that the world will misunderstand it. And then the Jewish leaders; “This is getting us nowhere” they say (v19). And that reveals so much. The leaders want glory, but their view of glory is defined by the masses. They need the people’s approval and recognition and following and praise. And so they swap and change what they are doing, becoming increasingly desperate to try to grasp hold of the glory they desire. They will try whatever is necessary to get the following of their fellows. Two tectonic plates shifting against each other - one secure, defined but misunderstood - the other insecure, fleeting and desperate to “win”.

The way John sums up the conflicting stances is like this - one prefers the praises of people, the other prioritises the praises of God. And this is why it sends shockwaves through my soul. Because I am so often like the Jewish leaders - aren’t you? I hate being misunderstood. I flee from obscurity. I quickly lurch in new directions if I think that will win me more friends. Ultimately I lack the confidence that God defines glory. I want to become like Jesus. I want to prefer the praises of God to the praise of any man. Addressing this very question Jesus tells us to walk in the light while the daylight remains (v35). I take that to mean that I should hang around him and listen to his words. I should keep on doing New Testament Journey and meditate on those passages where Jesus is speaking to me. That will settle the ground. That will place me on the solid rock where no matter how people treat me I will stand secure, imbued with confidence in God’s definition of glory and filled with hope that his glory will not only fill all of creation but will all fill me, so I become a trophy of his glory, a beautiful and precious part of the glorious Kingdom that will fill everything in every way.

Question for reflection

What will it feel like to be praised by God?

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