Monday 25th July - Colossians 3

Today’s chapter is Colossians 3, you can read it here

Tom writes:

Since we have been raised with Christ....  Hold on a second, let’s just take that in.  As far as I am aware none of the Colossian church were wrapped in strips of linen and laid in the tomb with Jesus and, as far as I am aware, there was only one bloke in the garden who Mary thought was the gardener.  Only Christ was raised, only Christ appeared to the disciples and showed them his wounds. So how can Paul say the Colossians have been raised with Christ and, more than that - how can we read this and take from it that we also have been raised with Christ? One day my grandfather discovered he was at war with Germany. My grandfather didn’t  declare war and he didn’t do anything to bring about the war but he got carried along by the decision of his Prime Minister. One day I was raised with Christ. I didn’t beat death and I didn’t do anything to bring about my resurrection but I got carried along by the redemptive resurrection of Prime Minister Jesus. Jesus rose from the dead and when I made him my king I became part of this growing band of barbarians, Scythians, slaves and free who have been raised from the dead along with him. This has enormous implications.

Just like the “at war” version of my grandfather was different from the “at peace” one - he travelled from Yorkshire to India and from being a gas man to leading a band of men - the “raised” version of you is different from the previous “worldly” version of you. You are now a person defined by love. You are now a version of yourself clothed with compassion and gentleness. You are in India even if you have a Yorkshire pud in your belly and the North Sea still feels like it is tingling your toes. Why not take some time to speak that over yourself? If you are struggling with behaviour, rather than rules and regulations that lack power, remind yourself of who you now are. Imagine yourself full of humility and gratitude and then keep on asking Holy Spirit to help you live that out. You have been raised with Jesus. That is the power in your life. That sets the vision for your life. And your joy really comes when, through the power of the Spirit, you live the raised life in this moment, right now.

Question for Reflection

How has being raised with Christ changed your life?