Monday 17th April - Mark 10

Today’s chapter is Mark 10

Tom writes:

Mark’s thrust seems to be that if you aren’t willing to be considered scum then you need to step off the Jesus-train.  There is nothing glorious about being last, about being dirt poor or about being like a little child.  As Job found out, even a holy person in such a position will be patronised, despised and disrespected.  The bitter truth is that people who are last have next to no status; they are assumed to have not worked hard enough or to have messed up personally or to be just plain ignorant.  People generally don’t listen to the poor just as they don’t listen to children; they are there to be looked after by us, not the other way around. So Jesus’ call to become ‘the last’ is really very hard. And so I’m struck by the amazing privilege I’ve had to be part of churches where so many have been so prepared to knuckle down and divest themselves of status. I’ve seen qualified professionals pick up litter for Jesus, or try their best to soothe a sorrowful stranger, or to bite their lip when someone else in small group cuts them off. I’ve also seen some of the poorest among us lead the way in serving on kids teams, or making meals for their neighbours or in grovelling on the floor in thanksgiving before their God. These people are utterly inspiring.

They divest themselves of status for the sake of their God. They help me stay on the Jesus-train. And the attractiveness of serving others isn’t just because humility is beautiful. Jesus also says he is preparing for us a hundred times more than we have ever left or given away. While serving others may cause us to be disrespected or patronised or persecuted by those around us right now, Jesus will, one day, bring a Great Reversal when all things are put right. That will be a great day for us. Oh what a day. The destination of this train is going to be everlasting and glorious. Jesus has already been there and he popped back to show us what it is like. The more we look at that day the more we can be like little children right now. Our adulthood is ahead of us, all we need to do  now is hang out with our Father and humbly do every humble thing that he wants us to do. Because that is beautiful. And because that will bring us a very great reward on the day that Jesus returns.

Question for reflection

Today, how could you humble yourself like Jesus?

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