Monday 13th March - Acts 27

Today’s chapter is Acts 27

Tom writes:

Jesus said something about storms coming. It is dangerous to draw too much out of narrative sections of the bible, but one undeniable truth in this passage is that Paul had his feet on rock well before the ship hit a sand bar and ran aground. The storm came and his house stood firm. We see the same old Paul here as we have seen all through the book of Acts. He is unchanged by challenge; a man of utter integrity. I wonder whether I am such a man. Please Jesus let it be so. I know that it is the rock - rather than the man - who provides the stability. And so this passage - above all else - urges you and I to build our foundations on solid ground while the wind is gentle. Let’s keep on pursuing the presence in the New Testament. If we continue to build on the word I suspect we will - like Paul - find a strange compassion growing for the ordinary people around us. The Centurion and the sailors had ignored Paul’s advice when in Crete. They were complicit in the imprisonment of Paul.

But Paul - at some risk to himself - stepped out in compassion to urge them to eat up and to keep up courage. Reading the word softens our hearts; it helps us love our enemies - and it prompts us to do so even when we don’t feel like it. It is a rock. If we continue to build on the word I suspect we would - like Paul - give thanks to God for simple things like bread, even in the middle of horrendous storms. Reading the word inclines our hearts towards gratitude; it writes thanksgiving into our days - or prompts us to do so even when we don’t feel like it. It is a rock. And if we continue to build on the word I suspect we would - like Paul - receive prophetic messages from God, perhaps even receiving angelic visitations. The word awakens our hearts to the Spiritual realities; it releases heavenly treasures to us - or prompts us to act like we have those riches even when we don’t feel like it. Yes, storms will come in our lives. You might be in the midst of a storm right now. But if we continue to build our house on the rock then we can continue to stand strong and consistent even if we get caught in a storm and are shipwrecked on a beach. 

Question for reflection

Which part of the bible do you love the most?

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