Friday 7th July - Ephesians 2

Today’s chapter is Ephesians 2

Tom writes:

Does your life have a point? Aside from moment to moment virtues of putting food on the table, doing a good job at work and caring for the people around you, is there a bigger narrative and purpose over your life? My heart is desperate for such a purpose - to feel like I haven’t wasted this life. Sociologists say our society is increasingly driven by a similar yearning. Even the most godless of people feel a stirring in their stomach to seek justice on this earth. Here we see the source of that longing; it is God. God has created each of us to play our part in his great uniting purpose for this world. He has crafted us like a cog in an engine to purr and spin in harmony and productivity with others. And he whispers this to us even when we are enemies of his being. And so, Paul says, when we have been awakened to our God, when his grace has forgiven us and resuscitated us and placed us on his throne, then we should go the whole hog and let his grace finish its task. The point of our salvation wasn’t just to forgive us of our sin but to fulfil the longing of our souls. The purpose of God’s work in our lives wasn’t just that we should know Him but that we should be fitted together with his people as a well-oiled cog in the engine of God’s plans. Together with others we become a productive party of his presence; a grace-made gathering of gladness for one another and the world.

The church - made in grace - fulfils the Ezekiel vision of a new temple, filled with the Presence, from where justice and healing flow like a river to the wounded in the nations. So, does it? Do we allow God’s grace to go all the way in us? Are we just a person of God or have we become God’s people, with God, doing God’s works in the world? This happens when we don’t just “attend church” nor even just be “part of a church” but by seeing ourselves, and all other believers, as church. We become church. And we know church is the place where God lives. And we know church is where God’s works are done. And so we become an active, harmonious missional church flowing His presence into all of the land. We do this in our jobs, our relationships and even in our rest. We become little fountains of God’s grace spreading his fragrance everywhere in every way. This might feel a long way from our current reality. But what’s to stop us stepping into this invitation? What’s to prevent us letting grace finish its task in us? Let’s pray for God to renew our minds and make us church  today.

Question for reflection

In what ways is God inviting you to be a part of his uniting of all things?