Friday 7th April - Mark 4

Today’s chapter is Mark 4

Tom writes:

When I was studying theology there was a lot of talk about this cushion that Jesus was sleeping on (4:38).  The common theory among theologians is that Mark is the first gospel written and that Matthew and Luke then copied Mark, cutting out some of his eye-witness observational points (such as that he was sleeping on a cushion), instead adding their own theological slants.  The theory raises some interesting points and can lead us into some valuable thinking about who the gospel writers were and what intentions they had for their works.  But, what seems to me more than a little perverse is that we have here a story about a man rebuking a lake - and it listening! -  and the main topic of theological conversation is what the man had under his head when he was sleeping.  Surely this is a catastrophic distraction from the mind-funking revelation of the power that surged forth from that boat.  Surely this is the plight and the rebellion of mankind summed up in one neat anecdote?  As people we just seem to have an innate inability to focus on the glory and power of God.  We seem to set ourselves up to discuss and analyse from a distance rather than introduce ourselves to the truth and eyeball it out. 

It’s like we are forever seeing but never perceiving, like we are forever hearing but never understanding. I’m determined, in the power of the Spirit, to buck this trend and to fixate myself on Him. I know this is the same point as I made in chapter 3 but its magnitude seems to warrant the repetition. Will we look at him, revolve ourselves around him and be willing to be flummoxed and re-formed by him? Will we actually consider and try to comprehend these things that he did? Will we thrust our gaze continually back to the Messiah and his deeds as recorded by those who knew him best? If we do, the omens are good - Jesus is the one who said to the wind “quiet, be still” and even the chaotic sea became completely calm. Perhaps our attention to the Son could release peace into our plight; could it even bring order to our so-easily-distractible minds?

Question for reflection

What about Jesus feels new and fresh and mysterious to you right now?

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