Friday 6th October - James 4

Today’s chapter is James 4

Tom writes:

It’s about now that I suddenly start to feel like James is just a tad harsh. He is speaking to Christians and he describes them as adulterous people, sinners and double-minded.  He says they are just a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes, and he says they boast and brag and do evil and sin.  Phew!  Would you want a pastor like that??  But, you know what, I think I would.  Because good old James had lived with holiness his whole life.  As a boy he had probably shared a bed with holiness - sleeping alongside his brother Jesus who never sinned and was the epitome of purity.  He probably watched in gob-smacked wonder as his older brother gave away and turned from the things of the world, humbly entrusting himself to God.  He probably stood next to Jesus as people slandered him and Jesus just smiled in response.  He probably received rebukes from his brother about boasting about his future or thinking too much of himself.  You see, I don’t think James was down on people - he loved people, he gave his life to pastoring people, he wrote his letter to people - I just think that James had a very realistic perspective on what people were really like.  When you have spent your life with brilliant white, slightly light brown just doesn’t seem that great. 

So James would be a great pastor.  Because James would always show us there’s something more.  He would have been the most optimistic leader you could ever follow; knowing what we really could be if we only were to be perfectly holy. And so James would lead us into holiness and equip us for leading purer lives.  If you are a leader or you want to be, the best thing you can do is emulate James - the best thing you can do is get such a clear and vivid image of Jesus that nothing else seems that great.  It is a life-time’s work.  But a life-time is what we’ve got.  Let’s draw near to God and share a bed with holiness; it will expand our vision of how delightful life can be.

Question for reflection

What is most staggering to you about Jesus’ holiness?

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