Friday 28th April - Romans 3

Today’s chapter is Romans 3

Tom writes:

“All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” In the sight of God we all come up short. Freedom is found in acknowledging that. In fact the fullness of kingdom life cannot be enjoyed unless you acknowledge that. Find esteem not in yourself but in the atoning work of Jesus. Atonement is not a drab “don’t worry about it” mumbled by God. Atonement is a very targeted piece of work that the Law of the Old Testament trained people to understand. The process of atonement was to become conscious of sin - it confesses abject failure and submits no excuse. My sins are awful acts that must be punished; they have contributed to the swamp of spiritual pollution festering on the earth. Atonement then provides a deliciously grace-filled administration of that punishment; the death of a representative standing in your place. A spotless lamb for the wretched sinner. And finally, once the sacrifice has been made, atonement joyously, gloriously declares those sins dealt with. In a startling, destiny-shifting statement the sinner is declared clean, spotless like the lamb who has been slain.

Jesus was your atoning sacrifice. Don’t let familiarity breed contempt. You brought sin to the party and Jesus took it from you. Then Jesus told everyone you brought a perfect gift; celebrating your arrival like a guest of honour. Paul drills into atonement so relentlessly because Kingdom life cannot be enjoyed unless you fully embrace the implications of its grace. We should all walk away from this atonement in bewilderment, utterly undone by the reckless grace we have received. When we understand atonement we can carry no pride or sense of privilege into the kingdom. We come in empty. Atonement strips us bare, reclothing us - and all others who are atoned - with royal robes we don’t deserve. We look at our redeemed selves, clothed in honour, shimmering with glory, and we wonder; “if this is how it begins, what unspeakable delights might be coming our way next?”. 

Question for reflection

Why did God show you grace and what difference has it made to how you think about yourself?

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