Friday 17th February - Acts 11

Today’s chapter is Acts 11

Tom writes:

At first glance the circumcised believers seem mean-spirited in their criticism of Peter. Hadn’t they heard the Great Commission? Why wouldn’t they just “let God be God”? But their caution - and the way Peter reacted to  it - led to much greater health for the church. It’s a great example for all of us as we live in these days of Holy Spirit governance. One of the blights on the charismatic / pentecostal church has been the closing down of genuine questions about “what the Spirit is doing”. Our churches have often been too slow in calling “anointed” leaders to account or asking for explanation of unexpected actions. This chapter, and the Jerusalem Council (in Acts 15) demonstrate a better way. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that the Holy Spirit is the boss. And there is no doubt that Holy Spirit will speak to specific people about specific things at specific times. There is freedom to minister in the power of the Spirit, to take initiative and to make bold prophetic declarations like Agabus did. But there is also an embodied humility humming all across the bee-hives of these early churches. Every member expected to give time and explanation to collaboratively discern what the Spirit is doing.

The people criticise Peter but then embark upon collaborative discernment with him. And Peter willingly walks that journey. In great detail Peter lays open his work before them for their consideration, for the body together to determine what the Governor is saying. So, what do we take from this? Well, firstly we should rampantly pursue the leading of Holy Spirit. We must make space for him to be the Governor. But then we must also rampantly pursue collaborative discernment. So avoid a church or ministry where people never take risks under the Spirit. And avoid a church where the leaders don’t lay open their decisions for your consideration. And avoid being one of those people who forms an opinion and is unwilling to change it. And avoid being one of those people who takes offence when someone questions them. Avoid those things and - most likely - you will see the Lord’s hand doing great things among you.

Question for reflection

When you make decisions, how do you do Spirit-filled collaborative discernment?

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