Signposting Well

At VES there are three key actions we continually take in order to express the welcome of Jesus to Croydon’s asylum seeker and refugee community.

We welcome well.

We serve well.

We signpost well.

We cannot solve every person’s every problem (nor would that actually serve them well), but we can and should signpost. Just as the Good Samaritan pointed to and partnered with the inn and the inn keeper, so we point to other established service providers and encourage people to take the next step on their journey. This is part of expressing welcoming and serving people well.

4 Key Signposts We Give

  • Towards Community
    - the after class Bible study
    - Church - Croydon Vineyard or a church more local to them
    - other students of the same nationality
    - volunteering opportunities - Croydon Voluntary Action are an excellent place to point to

  • Towards Practical Help
    - Croydon Refugee Day Centre has their ‘open morning’ on a Tuesday and can help with clothing, food, baby equipment, children’s provision and legal advice.
    - Ian Willard (Bluetouch CIC) is contracted by Croydon Council for asylum seeker support and can help new arrivals, with getting children into school, educational opportunities and housing advice.

  • Towards further English education opportunities
    - the next VES class (in Centrale or in their hotel)
    - CALAT
    - Croydon College
    - other local esol provision

  • Towards Jesus
    - to be prayed for
    - to read the scriptures in English or their own language

Croydon Vineyard