Celebrating Easter at CV

Billions of people across the planet will be gathering this coming Friday and Sunday to celebrate Easter and the resurrection of Jesus. They'll be doing it amidst the bombs in Gaza and Ukraine, amidst the smells and bells of the Vatican; from Kinshasa to Karachi... and we will be doing it in Croydon. Will you join us? Will you take this moment to consider, to celebrate, to capture something of what Easter is?

The bold, almost blasphemous, claim of Easter is that life - the abundant, undimmable, magnanimous kind of life that every human really desires deep down - was squeezed into Jesus Christ to such an intensity that even death could not stamp it out. Jesus rising from the dead awakened us to the possibility that God can bring a new beginning even in the darkest times, that adversity need not be our final word, that ordinary people can actually have hope.

It's our belief that Croydon could do with a bit more of that life right now. And so we would really love you to come and join in the party.

Excerpt from CV Invite email, which can be read in full here - https://mailchi.mp/c81a2d906540/your-invite-to-easter-with-croydon-vineyard-church

Croydon Vineyard