Nurturing Through Small Groups
We loved seeing so many small group leaders last night at our “Monitor & Nurture” Dinner.
Our sense is that God is strengthening our small groups, making us ready for an influx of people (there were 32 at our Welcome Lunch on Sunday and many other new people who didn't make it to that lunch).
We are excited about what God is doing among us and we are deeply grateful that he has called each of you into leadership in CV.
Here’s a graphic we’re using to equip our small group leaders at the moment:
Here’s a fuller explanation:
1) adopt these 4 habits - they will really help you
2) do try to empower others to lead parts of the session; be their greater encourager who believes God can use them more than they even believe it themselves
3) appoint deputy leaders
4) make a priority of our monthly Small Group Dinners for Monitor and Nurture
5) We will move towards a "cluster" model where 4 or 5 small group leaders are in a Cluster led by a Cluster leader. We tried this out last night and will firm up arrangements for it soon
6) Don't get in the position where you are caring for everyone in your group; encourage all the group to care for each other. Some of them will be wonderful providers of care.
7) Just like in a hospital nurses and doctors keep confidentiality but also work as a team to provide the best care for patients, keep your cluster leader in the loop on any bigger issues that people in your group are going through. This enables them to receive broader and better care and also lifts the burden off you.
8) Be a leader with a limp who intentionally go to your group with your needs and ask them to care for you
9) pray for your group and also ask them to pray for you and one another
10) lean into hope and joy. Leadership can be draining but there is so much love and grace available to you in Jesus so draw all your daily bread from Jesus every day.