Keep On Keeping On

In our Tour of the Torah we've seen God's covenant blessing works in wild places... even with very broken and sinful people. God does it. God assures it. God works it, if people simply keep coming back to trusting him.

A huge lesson in leadership - and in life - is that God can pour out blessing on those who continue to do a few right things, even if everything they do doesn't go right. We've all been slugging our guts out to establish the 4pm, to pour energy into our small groups, to "level up" our leadership of our teams, to be people who invite people, to contend for Spiritual Awakening in Croydon and beyond. In the midst of this we can see things that aren't quite right; people dropped out of small group, our team is too small, we've struggled to pray, we've had an argument with our colleague. If we try to make everything right we get tired and can feel discouraged. But if we focus on ensuring we do a few right things each day we discover the utter joy of our covenant; that God pours out blessing on and through those who keep on doing those few right things.

What are those right things? Every day - especially on the hard days - if we seek to put God first, if we allow ourselves to receive the help of the Spirit, if we keep on showing up determined to treat others with the grace and mercy of Jesus, then in a few months time we will turn around and be staggered by what he has done. This is our covenant. Our God pours out his blessing through broken and sinful people who simply keep on doing a few right things. We are praying for you and we appreciate you. Do keep on keeping on.

Excerpt from our CV Insight email - available in full here

Croydon Vineyard