Why you should care about leadership

Jesus Matt 28:19-20

“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and the son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”

  • Leadership must be People focused

  • It involves reaching, teaching, training, organising, being faithful

  • Leadership is God’s idea.  

  • Good leadership is how God grows and protects his church and changes his world

  • Bad leadership can be more damaging to the church amd the world than nearly anything else.

We want you to be a good leader.  

But more than that, we want you to be someone who helps others become good leaders.

Leadership is strategic in multiplying itself

Paul 2 Timothy 2:1-2

“you then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also”

If we don’t lead or if we don’t lead in a way that intentionally raises up other leaders, we minimise the chance to see a spiritual awakening in Croydon and beyond… But, if we do seek to raise up leaders, we give God the chance to release a great move of his Spirit that sweeps up many people not only in our generation but in generations to come.

Why don’t people raise up leaders around them?

  • they just don’t think about doing it / too busy with “doing”

  • wrong criteria; they expect a leader to be fully-grown and ready to go, so they say “can we borrow your worship leader because we don’t have one”, or their small group or ministry or church eventually closes down.

  • lack of confidence that God could use them to raises up others

Raising up leaders around you

If we want lasting growth we need to grow leaders and a helpful process to do this is IRTDMN

Identify someone who could be a leader

Recruit them into thinking of themselves as a potential leader

Train them in how to be a good leader

Deploy them into some form of leadership

Monitor them and continue to provide training

Nurture them so they can lead for the long haul


Who here seems motivated?

Who here seems responsive and teachable?

Who here seems to be influencing others already?

Who here is the Lord highlighting to me?


  1. 1 Tim 5:22 “Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands” before you put a label on them or give them a title, test them out with a few bits here and there. 

  2. if that goes well, tell them you see a lot in them and invite them to start stepping up; emphasise you are not expecting perfection and you will walk with them through the process

  3. Outline the vision of WHY and WHAT. Go BIG!



model: 1) you do, they watch; 2) do it together  3) They do it, you watch 4) They do it

stretch: Disciples failed, Jesus said “it’s OK”. Disciples succeeded, Jesus said “it’s OK”

resourcing: point them to good resources, connect them direct to Jesus

Deploy, Monitor & Nurture

give clarity of what is “great”, what is “NOT OK”

give clarity of who to go to with issues or suggestions and how frequently

Croydon Vineyard