CV Insight - May 2024

“When we launched the 4pm in January our prayer was that it would increase capacity in the church and see more new people come to faith. As the key leaders in this church we know you went the extra mile for the three months of January to March to help make this happen. We want you to know that we are already seeing the fruit of that effort. A stable, growing community of around 100 people are making the 4pm their home, our Sunday overall numbers continue to be well above what they were before the launch, we are seeing a record number of people now serving on teams, and we are seeing a record number of people wanting to be baptised with us.

Even while that major effort has been going on, we've seen an incredibly successful launch of Boon Café, a massive increase in uptake of our New Testament Journey and Tour of the Torah resources, the launch of our first ever Coming Kingdom worship EP and our highest ever weekly numbers of students at Vineyard English School.

God is working.

And yet, even as we look at all that has happened so far, we keep having the sense that the fields are white for the harvest, that the increase of God's government will know no end, and that we have only just begun to taste all the abundance of what God wants to do in our midst. And so, lovely leaders, we want to encourage and help you keep on keeping on, and indeed to pray for an increase in what we have seen.

For some of us that might mean a deliberate levelling up of our leadership so that we get out of the "doing" and empower more people. For some of us that might mean adding that one or two extra people to our prayer lists, for some of us that might mean taking that small extra risk to invite more people to come and check out our services, or for some of us it might be choosing to give more either financially or with our skills to help the church become all that Jesus is calling us to be.

We hope this email genuinely does help catalyse and encourage and equip you for all that Jesus is calling you to.

With huge affection

Tom and Lesley

You can read the whole email at

Croydon Vineyard