Croydon Vineyard is taking a New Testament Journey, and you are invited!
As a church we are committed to becoming a community formed and fed by the words of Jesus. We help each other do this by taking our “New Testament Journey”. We engage with a chapter of the New Testament each day, Monday to Friday, which takes us through the whole of the New Testament in a calendar year. We’ve developed several resources to help each other with this and we would love you to get involved!
There is a new blog each day below which will take you to our readings and devotional each day, and also flag up various ‘helps’ which you can draw on.
Jesus said that whoever hears his word, receives it and puts it to work will be like seed sown in good soil - producing 30, 60 or even 100 fold harvest. There are few better ways you could spend your time in 2025… please jump in!