Philippians 1 - Friday 12th July

Today’s chapter is Philippians 1

Tom writes:

For me it is a triple-chocolate muffin or a caramel slice. For Paul it is dying to be with Christ or staying alive in prison. All of us have our little dilemmas about what we would want more. But whereas I get a little grumpy if I feel I’ve made the wrong choice Paul just seems incessantly joyful no matter which way it goes. He is so filled with joy that he doesn’t even care that people are preaching Jesus just to give him hassle - “what does it matter?” he asks.  Is that a cracking attitude or what? I’d love to see more of that joy-filled laid-backness in my life and in the church. Not a laid-backness about seeing the kingdom advancing - Paul was always praying for that, he was longing for that, he was rejoicing in that and eagerly expecting that.

I’d love to see a laid-backness about what troubles or stresses come our way.  “So I’m in prison today - big whoop, at least it means the guards get to hear about Jesus”.  “So I’m in hospital for a few days, well that’s a great chance to get to testify to some other patients”. “So things are a bit quiet at work at the moment - what a wonderful opportunity to spend some more time in prayer”.  “So a bloke is giving me a really hard time - I’m chilled out about it - it gives me a chance to show grace and to learn to forgive”.  This kind of laid-backness can only be fostered in Jesus, it can only be found through embracing his perspective on our future and our past.  Jesus feels affection for me. Jesus died for me and rose from the dead and he’s told me I’ll do the same. If we think about it, what else can really matter after that? If death is promotion and life in the body is guaranteed fruitfulness then everything else is incidental. Isn’t it? I’d love to be the one believer in ten thousand who really lives like that is true. I’d love to be “That Guy” who is so incessantly, irrepressibly joyful that nothing can shift me away from giving thanks. So I’ll keep reading Paul’s letters and keep fixing my eyes on Jesus; the one who sparks more joy than any caramel slice.

Question for reflection

When you feel joy in Jesus, how do you express it?

Croydon Vineyard