Matthew 18 - Wednesday 28th August

Today’s chapter is Matthew 18

Tom writes:

Mercy is a fine word don’t you think?  It’s one of those words that isn’t used too much so it still has some potency.  Mercy is the common theme in this chapter.  Following Jesus, and living in the church is always about looking out for others, trying to find ways to keep them close to you and in touch with God.  It really pains me that so many Christians shy away from the grubby reality of our faith - rubbing up alongside people, being inspired and offended, supported and wounded by them.  We seem so quick to take a step back and not really throw ourselves into friendship with the church.  We often say the problem is with the church being too institutionalised or too full of difficult characters, or too “out of touch”. Is the real truth that we are just not good at forgiving others’ sin? Is the real truth that we are just not good at showing mercy? If we are serious about following Jesus we have to get stuck into the local church, doing life together with the other “little ones”, challenging them and then forgiving them, showing them mercy and asking them to show us mercy too. Over and over again.

All this effort is not just to play happy families; it is the forging of a people in the pattern of the Prince. A church that has forged mercy begins to look like her God of mercy. And when the church begins to look like Jesus it will also begin to wield the authority of Jesus. A people persisting in compassion wields immense power to bound and loose forces in the world.  Authority grows where love grows. So next time you have a chance to show mercy but it feels a bit awkward, or a bit embarrassing, see that opportunity as an anvil for your growth in authority. If you want to see God do more, press into awkward and embarrassing expressions of mercy to people who don’t deserve it.  If we can truly become people full of mercy then we will begin to really be the church; people who have received ridiculous levels of mercy from God, who simply reflect some of that mercy to one another and the world.

Question for reflection

How are you showing mercy in your interactions with others in Jesus’ church?

Croydon Vineyard