Hebrews 6 - Thursday 19th September

Today’s reading is Hebrews 6

Tom writes:

I often feel like I need an anchor.  I am prone to drifting with the tide and getting very close to some rocks.  My soul sometimes fades. It sometimes exudes about slightly dubious things. So I’m very grateful for the anchor metaphor in verse 19; it really helps me. I realise that sometimes I need to consciously fix my thinking around a defined constant. Sometimes I need to resist the ebb and flow of my emotions by deliberate thoughts about the permanence of God. God never changes. God’s purpose never changes. God has deliberately shown us that he would bless Abraham and give him many descendants. The inclusion of the gentiles was always going to happen. God’s project was always going to rumble on in an ever expanding manner. Sometimes slow and sometimes shudderingly fast, but an increase in God’s government has always been God’s plan. Sometimes I just need to remind myself that God knows what he is doing and his family will keep on growing no matter how I feel, or even what I do.

God’s commitment to blessing is also deeply reassuring. I don’t know about you but there are times when I lose sight of the simple goodness of knowing this God. On dark days the wind of worry can blow me off course and threaten my ship. On those days I need to remind myself that God is good; he has always done good. Sometimes we can see it and other times we can’t but all of us now share in God’s blessing to Father Abraham. So, how do you feel today? If it is a good day, run your hand around this anchor. Get used to its feel; it will be more easy to use when the waves begin to hit. And, if it is a bad day, let me reassure you that the anchor of God’s permanence is there and the anchor will indeed hold; trust in the goodness of God and how his purposes never change and how his plans never fail. 

Question for reflection

How do you consciously cling to God as your anchor?

Croydon Vineyard