Hebrews 12 - Friday 27th September

Today’s reading is Hebrews 12

Tom writes:

I think it is really interesting how the writer of Hebrews approaches lifestyle issues.  With Paul, everything is pushed back to our identity in Christ - he continually assures us that we are a new creation in Christ and therefore should live in the new creation kind of way.  This writer doesn’t do that.  This writer looks at the problems and struggles in this life and then compares them with the problems of the past.  This writer always shows how now, under the new covenant, we are so much better off than our forefathers and therefore can’t really complain or make excuses about not living right.  And having done that this writer then turns our attention to God.  Not so much God in us and who we are in God but who God is in Himself.  This writer paints a continually expanding, glorious fresco of the Almighty God of All Ages. 

You get the idea that this bloke is still so completely overcome by the wonder of it all.  You get the idea that this writer bounces up and down on his chair and then flings himself face-down, awestruck like the thousands upon thousands of angels in his vision.  You get the idea that this writer sees himself continually standing in bold trepidation upon the most holy ground of the City of the Living God, always edging closer to the judge of all men, hearing the cry of welcome and yet daring only to edge forward all the same.  You get the idea that this writer is continually putting down his pen to weep and to spread-eagle himself again at the wonder of it all.  He knows his God is a consuming fire.  He knows his God spoke and the whole earth shook.  And, as he sees that, as he thinks on that, he knows with joy and certainty that all he wants to do is cling to his God and give himself to his God and worship his God.  I think I would like my life, and the way I act in every kind of issue to be similarly defined by such an awesome vision of my God.

Question for reflection

Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before him. Is your vision of God joyous and awesome enough to sustain you through hardship?

Croydon Vineyard