Hebrews 10 - Wednesday 25th September

Today’s reading is Hebrews 10

Tom writes:

Encouragement in the faith comes not just from Jesus. There is huge encouragement from him; His character and his identity and his provision for us is immense.  The last 9 chapters have called us to dwell on them and fix our eyes on them and be encouraged and strengthened and fuelled by them.  And they have been good.  They have been great.  But that isn’t the end of it.  We also encourage one another.  God has put the world together in such a way that people depend on people, brothers and sisters in faith depend on brothers and sisters in faith.  The calling of every man and every woman is to spur one another on towards love and good deeds.  We have in our souls an intrinsic need to meet one another regularly and consistently, to give of ourselves to encourage one another and strengthen one another.  That is how God has made us.  And yet we naturally shrink back from it.  

For a range of reasons we shy away from meeting together (when we say meeting together what we mean is actual open, honest, generous engagement rather than just being in the same room).  We come up with explanations of why it is best for us (or even for others) if we don’t go today or don’t share this or that particular thing.  We find ourselves swaying towards isolation.  But that way is death.  Life is found in leaning into one another, in attending small group, in praying with two or three others, in coming on a Sunday, in daring to speak out, in daring to expose ourselves and let others expose themselves to us.  Meeting together is saying “I am a filthy sinner” and having others say “yes, that is true, but you are also loved and you are also being made pure. So take up your forgiveness and grasp hold of your inheritance and get back out there and do what God is calling you to do.”  Let us not give up on meeting together like this.  Let us not give up on pressing into this.  Life is found leaning into one another. Life is found when we spur on one another. In one another is the essential encouragement that we need in the faith.

Question for reflection

Have you been making decisions that lead to isolation? Could you choose to expose your true self to others in church and let them expose their true selves to you? 

Croydon Vineyard