Galatians 5 - Tuesday 2nd July

Today’s chapter is Galatians 5

Tom writes:

He wants them to castrate themselves. We could dwell on the fruit of the Spirit.  We could compare them with the acts of the sinful nature. That would be awesome.  That would give us a good boost in the life everlasting. If you haven’t spent time doing that, then please do that today. But, I want to just flag up that Paul wanted them to cut their testicles off.  Not the Galatians of course, but the agitators who had led the Galatians astray.  It’s worth thinking for a moment what Paul was getting so angry about.  Paul was hot with rage over the confusion of the church - Paul was freaking out over doctrine.  We know Paul well enough by now to realise that he wasn’t some hot-headed hyperbolist who loved to rant against his latest rival - what drove him was the planting of churches and the discipleship of people.  So when he is getting so angry about doctrine it must be because he believed it was absolutely critical to the discipleship of the people.  That’s not too trendy a thing to say today… but it probably should be. What we believe about Jesus really matters because it either leads us to Jesus or away from Jesus.  What we believe about the effects of his death and resurrection causes people to either entrust more of their expectations to Jesus, or to entrust them to something else. And so these slightly complex chapters of Galatians are worth reading well. These dense and difficult doctrines deserve being dwelled on. What we are convinced of deep inside determines how we instinctively react to each and every situation.

So here’s to an obsession with the scriptures. Here’s to reading the bible day in day out and revelling in the saving work of Jesus Christ. Here’s to those of you who get a bit annoyed when you think someone is misusing a passage or just proof-texting their preferences. Let’s all press into deeper understanding of the doctrines of the divine. Not because we want to be able to pass theology tests but because we want to live well. Because when our doctrine leads us to trusting Jesus more then we find a faith that really can express itself in love. When the truth is clear in our heads, it can smash the chains of slavery. When we know who God really is then we can more easily have lives overflowing with the fruit of his Spirit of truth. So here’s to doctrine; here’s to devoting ourselves to reading the Word until we are convinced of its every truth.

Question for reflection

Which truth about God most motivates you to live for him?

Croydon Vineyard