Galatians 2 - Thursday 27th June

Today’s chapter is Galatians 2

Tom writes:

Paul seems to betray a lack of regard for the other apostles. He roasts Peter in public like a headteacher with a naughty kid, describes the apostles as those who “seemed” to be important and says they added nothing to his message. He probably refused to wear deodorant when they invited him over for tea. You know… just to make a point. It was a slightly awkward truth for me; that Paul seemed so competitive with the other apostles, but now I see it differently. In this chapter Paul is continuing the argument that he began in chapter 1 - that his gospel is not something created by people but revealed by the One God. To really stress that point he has to show that even the most “senior” preachers are still only witnesses to a revelation that they neither crafted nor are at liberty to change. The apostles are simply the messengers of the master. They simply talk about something that was done to them. Understanding this is hugely important if we are going to grow in our faith.

Very many Christians live as if the gospel is a hype-message to help them live better lives. They find the preacher with the best sneakers and the worship band with the hippest haircuts and they simply suck up the succulence that slips from their lips. But the outworking of Paul’s understanding of the gospel is that the gospel isn’t something smart people use to get you to live a certain way. Instead the gospel is news. It is an announcement that God has come close and he is determined to rewrite your life. Paul puts it like this; “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me”. God has loved you and given himself up for you. God has caused you to hear his message. Now he bids you let him rewrite everything you know. Let him mentor you into living in a totally new way, just like Jesus did. Why? Not because a preacher can put it well. Not because it feels good when you worship but because God himself - the Most Wise God who crafted you and who cares for you -  loves you and gave himself up for you and he is asking you to do that today. Will you set aside that grace and follow what the crowd is doing, or will you gain the beauty of being owned and filled by the God of all grace?

Question for reflection

Why not take some time tracing how the hand of  God has steered you to himself throughout your life?

Croydon Vineyard