Psalm 18

This week’s Song To Live By is Psalm 18

Zac writes:

At home I have a hot water dispenser that boils enough for one cuppa at a time. The problem is that there are different sizes of mugs but the dispenser gives out the same amount of water each time. One day I was feeling extra thirsty so I chose a large mug and put it under my hot water dispenser. I came back a moment later and realised that there wasn’t nearly enough hot water in the mug so I pressed the dispenser again and went off to do something else. When I came back there was water all over the kitchen counter and the mug was overflowing! Psalm 18 is an overflow of worship. 50 verses of delicious delight and devotion to God! Even for a large mug, it is too much to contain the waterfall of worship that is in this Psalm.

This is worship. Responding to who God is, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my refuge, my shield. Testifying to what God has done, I have been saved, he heard my voice, he parted the heavens and came, he took hold of me, he rescued me, he delights in me. Declaring the truth of what he is doing, he arms me with strength, keeps my way secure, trains my hands for battle, sustains me. And finally, lavishing affection and praise upon him that is heard among the nations.

So often, I end up coming to God with my problems or in the moments where I really need help. This is a wonderful thing and he receives us as we are and brings comfort. However, if I only come when I am in this place I miss out on the beauty and joy of celebration. There is a praise party going on in Heaven and I have the opportunity to join in that song. It upsets me when followers of Jesus think they need to go elsewhere for their celebration as if God is a stern headteacher that is against fun. This Psalm shows us a different picture. One where we can worship God who brings victory with joy, praise and laughter! We too can overflow in worship so that the mug cannot contain the water of our grateful hearts!

A Prayer

Pray this with me: Thank you Jesus that you have won the victory and there is always a reason to celebrate. I worship you, my rock and my fortress. You are alive and exalted! I will praise you among the nations and lift up your name. Help me continue to delight in who you are, what you’ve done and what you are doing. I lavish my affection on you, my King. Amen.

Croydon Vineyard