Baptisms, Battles & Blessings

Contending for a spiritual awakening - which is what we are giving ourselves to as a church - rests upon at least three assumptions:

1) that there is a spiritual realm that interlinks with our days of Carribean BBQs, email deadlines and social media gifs. Jesus, as the great power in that realm invites us to draw his rule into every situation, transforming everything for good. Susan Partridge is particularly helpful in equipping us ordinary people to do this and so we really do encourage you to come on Sunday 18th to hear from her.

2) that we are engaged in a battle which we can win or lose, depending on what we do. We therefore need to contend, and to keep on contending, even when life is hard or when progress seems to be slow. We continue to urge you to press into Small Groups, into the New Testament Journey, into intercession and into the whole range of rhythms and relationships that help you contend together with others for all that is good. We put a lot of effort into our website and our social media channels to help you with that. Please do check out the links below.

3) that we can see wonderful victories in Jesus. We keep hearing stories of answered prayers, of hard-fought advances and of God's kingdom breaking out. Perhaps some of the most exciting stories come when people are baptised and we are delighted that 12 people look like they might be being baptised with us on Sunday 25th. We will have a mega celebration that Sunday and would utterly love you to be part of it.

Let's keep on contending together for a spiritual awakening... and taking time to enjoy the sunshine.

We love you and are praying for you,
much affection

Tom and Lesley

Opening letter in our June CV Digest - which can be read in full here