A New Testament Journey Begins

We are praying that this is your best year yet. We know God wants to pour his favour and love onto you and to lead you into the ways everlasting. And we also know that his primary and unsurpassed way of leading us into his way is his Word. God has given us the Bible as a lamp to our feet, as bread for the journey, as the God-breathed invitation into knowing him and his presence. And so our prayers are that you really do read the bible this year. Not because you have to... but because you realise that the words of life really do lead you into life.

You could use our New Testament Journey resources detailed at www.anewtestamentjourney.net . The podcast is a new venture for this year. We'd love to hear what you make of it. And if the NTJ doesn't work for you, we pray you find another way to engage deeply with the succulent scriptures.

Much affection

Tom and Lesley

excerpted from our CV Digest email, which you can read in full here - https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=dbe6d8cbe24616d7aac6c794a&id=f41b377cca

Croydon Vineyard