Heartbroken at the murder of Elianne Andam

Croydon is heartbroken at the murder of Elianne Andam. We are heartbroken for the family and for all affected. Horrors like this churn us up and make us yearn for a change. 

Any online response like this will be inadequate. We know this is a battle to fight and a journey to travel. Jesus’ response to human suffering was not just to put out a statement, but to put out himself; to walk and eat and weep and minister among real people, and then to die for them.

And so we want to put ourselves out for any in Croydon who feel this trauma and want to find comfort for their pain. We want to stand with the church of Jesus all across Croydon, to offer alongside them God’s invitation to the hurting, to the traumatised, to the angry. Our God can bring a comfort that is difficult to explain.

And we continue to pray for all those in Croydon who are giving themselves to help this next generation reach their full potential in God. Experts tell us that change really comes when we invest in young people around us. Parents, grandparents, mentors, teachers, people who give of themselves for the next generation; we are praying for you; you are fighting the right battle. May you know the Spirit of God refreshing you and empowering you as you lay your life down for the sake of our young people.

Come King Jesus, pour out mercy on our land in this time.

Croydon Vineyard