A special summer for CV

This is a special summer for Croydon Vineyard. Not only did 8 people get baptised with us on Sunday 3 July but Dan Andrewarthur (who has been worshipping with us in the mornings since September) was also baptised last weekend at Oak Hall in Coulsdon. Each baptism testimony was a profoundly beautiful and energising reminder of how much Jesus wants to do in each of our lives. 

In early August 19 young people from CV will be joining 2,000 others at Vineyard's national Youth Festival; DTI. Lara Sokunbi and Foluwa Omolokun will both be preaching there, Zac Carpenter will be leading worship and at least 5 others from CV will be on teams. Zac and a worship team also lead at the inaugural Lionheart Festival on the Isle of Wight last weekend. While none of us can take credit for all that Jesus has done in these people, you should feel proud that your sacrificial service of, prayer for, and commitment to this church community is bearing fruit that is benefitting others all over the UK.

Over the summer we will be taking some holiday and thoroughly intend to enjoy it! We hope you all make time to rest and replenish, even if you are not getting away anywhere.  If you enjoy reading you could check out below some of the titles the staff team have read this year and have really enjoyed.

With much affection,

Tom & Lesley

excerpted from our CV Digest email which is available to read in full here - https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=dbe6d8cbe24616d7aac6c794a&id=543d8852f7

Croydon Vineyard