"We will soon be celebrating our 48th wedding anniversary"

Chris & Mary:

"We will shortly be celebrating our 48th wedding anniversary, and we really don’t know where the time has gone!

We were recently asked for our top tips for a healthy marriage. We would not want to give the impression that everything has always fallen neatly into place - we have had to work at it! But hopefully we have picked up some wisdom along the way. So here are some thoughts:

- Commit. Most relationships have their ups and downs, but working at it rather than quitting when things get tough will, in the long run, strengthen a partnership. Give your marriage the highest priority.

- Love sacrificially. Putting each other’s needs before our own creates an environment where each can feel cared for and valued.

- Communicate. Talking things through, sharing hopes and fears helps us understand one another. Communication is more than just talking. It’s listening too.

- Expect to be changed. Going into a relationship thinking we will change our partner will not end well. We all bring our individual quirks with us into our partnership – if we concentrate on dealing with our own issues rather than trying to change our partner, our lives will be sweeter.

- Arguing is not fatal. Bottling up feelings can be dangerous. What is important is to find effective ways to resolve disagreements. You are a team… the problem is the problem… work together to find a solution.

- Invest. Plants need water. Cars need servicing. Rarely will a relationship flourish if left unattended. Invest in your relationship by spending time together – just the two of you. Put date nights in your diary. Read good books on marriage. Go on the CV Marriage course (ask us for details).

- Enjoy. Marriage is not a set of rules. Have fun together, laugh a lot, enjoy togetherness."

Croydon Vineyard