"I know the Lord is faithful"

"We moved from Kuwait to the UK in September 2020 and I can say moving during the COVID period is a testimony itself. I didn’t know what my future held but surely knew WHO held my future. Building a new home and life from scratch came with many challenges.

One of the biggest challenges I faced was getting a job. I had many naysayers around me and it was a battle I faced every day for 6 months. I had sent out 150 applications and it was very depressing to be constantly rejected. One thing I kept telling myself was that “Rejection only meant Redirection” but it’s very hard to keep the faith for long when reality hits.

I know our Lord is faithful and not one of HIS promises will fall to the ground. Every day, I would remind our Lord of HIS promises to me.

My breakthrough came last May. The job is in a new field that I am not experienced in and am the only one in 2000 employees who doesn’t have a pharmaceutical background. That is purely the Lord’s doing.

James1:7 says “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

As a family, we are blessed to be part of CV and have amazing pastors who have encouraged and helped us in many ways. We saw the love of Jesus through them. I can now say I found a family in Croydon Vineyard like it says in Psalm 68:6 “God sets the lonely in families”."


Croydon Vineyard