Psalm 8

This week’s Song To Live By is Psalm 8

Lesley writes:

Reading and absorbing Psalm 8 changes our perspective.  If we feel significant and powerful in our own right; in comparison to the majesty of the creator God, we are humbled.  If we feel small and powerless in this world, by knowing that the creator God is mindful of us, we gain significance.

The song of our world is about survival of the fittest.  Humankind praises the strong, the big, the mighty. But this Psalm speaks of a creator God who is mighty, a mighty God who cares for smaller beings.  Human beings.  You and me. 

This Psalm lifts up those who feel insignificant and humbles those who feel powerful.

Have you ever looked up at the vastness of the night sky and realised how insignificant you are in comparison to the universe?  I live in a city so when I look at the night sky, light pollution fools me into thinking that there are only a few stars but when I was in rural Tanzania, light pollution was minimal. It was much easier to see the vastness of the universe and become aware of my own smallness in comparison.  When I looked up and considered how Father God created the universe, my heart uttered the same prayer as David utters in this Psalm: what is mankind that you are mindful of us, human beings that you care for us? As magnificent and powerful as the Creator God is, he does care deeply for small human beings.

He has crowned us just lower than the angels, given us glory and honour and responsibility for the rest of his creation.  

Sin often means that we humans claim this glory as our own and the songs of our Western culture at least praise humanity, human bodies, belongings and achievements.  But in this Psalm, David gives rightful glory to the one whose very name is majestic. Our significance pales in comparison to this mighty God.

Sin often means that we revel in our right to rule and treat God’s creation with thoughtlessness. But in this Psalm we are reminded that like God is mindful of us below him, we should be mindful of the birds, animals and fish below us.

I always love it when someone from church texts me to say that they are thinking of me.  It makes me feel significant. This Psalm is like a text message from David reminding us that the God who created the universe is thinking of us. As small as we are in this vast universe, we are significant to God and he is mindful of us.  Set aside your pride and praise him.

A Prayer

Pray this with me: Lord, our God, how majestic is your name in all the earth. I am grateful for the work of your fingers and I am grateful that I am part of that. Thank you that I am significant to you. Please keep my heart humble. Please fill me with your Holy Spirit. Lord, our God, how majestic is your name in all the earth

Croydon Vineyard